Receivables assignment

Together with suppliers, we will ensure financing and technology, all without the need for a contract with SGEF
I am interested
Communication with your client

Communication with your client

You continue to communicate with the customer about routine business matters, such as new orders, services, or products, and in doing so maintain strong relationships
Immediate access to cash

Immediate access to cash

You receive immediate payment for the assigned receivables, allowing you to invest in other business activities
No end-customer risk

No end-customer risk

You are not liable for default on payments by the customer. This risk is transferred to SGEF

Additional benefits of assigning receivables

  • Receivables assignment is an appealing product for partners who need to spread the purchase price of items over instalments. 
  • You stay in touch with your customer when it comes to routine business matters, enabling you to maintain good relationships. SGEF does not intervene in negotiations with the customer.  
  • Concerns about potential non-fulfilment of your customer’s financial obligations are passed on to SGEF.

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