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- How to protect your payment card
How to protect your payment card

Skimming means illegal copying of the magnetic strip from a bank card. With data acquired in this manner it is then possible to create a fake card and if an attacker succeeds in reading the entered PIN, he has everything he needs to misuse the card.
What does it look like?
An offender affixes a bogus card reader on the top of the card reader entry slot. When you enter a card, data from the magnetic strip is saved. However, this is not enough for an offender to learn your password. Mostly he also uses a camera which is angled to see the keypad. A fake keypad which records the PIN is even more sophisticated.
What to do?
Always observe the simple rule – when entering your PIN, cover the keypad with your free hand. This will reliably protect you from most attacks.
In this case a card is taken from you by a shop assistant who copies it in the manual card reader or the card may be copied in the adjusted terminal.
What to do?
Never let your card out of your sight, do not let a shop assistant leave somewhere with your card and protect your PIN by covering the keypad.
In this case offenders use a very simple trick. They overlay a device with double-side adhesive tape over the cash dispensing slot. The device obviously looks like a part of the ATM.
When drawing cash, you wait for your money, but the banknotes do not appear, even though the TM reports that the cash was dispensed. After some time you give up and leave, and this is exactly the moment when an offender appears and removes the device and the tape and your money with it.
What to do?
Observe only the instructions displayed on the ATM display. If you are prompted to take your cash, yet no cash has appeared, check the cash dispensing slot thoroughly.
In case of any problems contact the KB Client Helpline on +420 955 512 230.
In this case a skimmer affixes a special blocking device to the card reader entry slot so that the card is simply trapped in the slot. A skimmer monitors the entire situation and when he sees that you are panicking, he quickly appears to offer you help. He manipulates you to enter the PIN again. Naturally, the card does not appear and you go away to find some help. Then the skimmer releases the card and removes the device and leaves with your card and PIN, which he memorized.
What to do?
Observe only the instructions displayed on the ATM display. If the ATM retains your card, contact the KB Client Helpline on +420 955 512 230 immediately.
If possible, never leave the ATM.