KB SKyline

Approve corporate transactions anytime and anywhere
instant financial overviews and approvals always at your fingertips
instant financial overviews and approvals always at your fingertips
available 24 hours a day / 365 days a year
available 24 hours a day / 365 days a year
electronic document exchange and signing
electronic document exchange and signing
Install the KB SKyline mobile application

Install the KB SKyline mobile application

Scan the QR code with your phone or go straight to the app store on your mobile.

Convenient banking functions in KB SKyline

  • authorise orders entered using the Profibanka service – SEPA payments, SEPA direct debits, cross-border payments and intrabank payments in foreign currency
  • receive automatic push notifications on your phone or tablet for payments or batch orders awaiting authorisation
  • get a clear overview of the transaction history on all your accounts
  • monitor the daily activities of a client
  • get an immediate picture of actual and available account balances
  • view blocked sums on your account (payment card payments and ATM withdrawals)
  • exchange and sign electronic document between bank and client

Technical requirements for KB SKyline

We aim to offer you the best security possible on your device

  • internet connection,
  • mobile phone or tablet with Android 9 or higher.


  • Quick options can be set on the app icon
  • Fingerprint - login and payment authorisation, 
  • Face unlock - login and payment authorisation with face recognition (Android 10 and higher), 
  • Colours to distinguish incoming (green) and outgoing (red) payments, 
  • The user can select a light or dark theme for the app. 

Documents for download