- Slovakia
- About bank
- Facts and Performance
Facts and Performance
Mandatory information on Komerční banka Slovakia
The results of Komerční banka Slovakia are reported in the annual report of Komerční banka, a. s. in the Czech Republic. Komerční banka operates in Slovakia as a branch of a foreign bank based on a banking permit issued to Komerční banka, a. s. in the Czech Republic.
Information disclosed under Sec 37(10) of Act No 483/2001 on banks, as amended, and Sec. 1(3) of NBS Decree No 16/2014 on the disclosure of information by banks and branches of foreign banks, as amended.
Information disclosed under Sec. 37(10) of Act No 483/2001 on banks, as amended, and Sec. 1(1) of NBS Decree No 16/2014 on the disclosure of information by banks and branches of foreign banks, as amended.