Plan Start

Use all modern features with an account and other services free of charge
1 current account in CZK
1 current account in CZK
Cash withdrawals from 2000+ ATMs of KB and other banks free of charge
Cash withdrawals from 2000+ ATMs of KB
and other banks free of charge
Easy administration and overview with KB+ app
Easy administration and overview
with KB+ app
Domestic and SEPA payments free of charge
Domestic and SEPA payments
free of charge

Contact us

At the moment, you can get a plan only if you have Czech citizenship. Otherwise, please get in touch by phone or at a branch and we will help you to choose another type of account. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Why Plan Start

Enjoy everyday services free of charge

Enjoy everyday services free of charge

You get a current account, payment card, and all online payments free of charge. Naturally, you can control your account with a smart mobile app and Internet banking. 

Control your plan with just a few clicks

Control your plan with just a few clicks

With the KB+ app, you can easily keep track of your plan and order additional products or services online, without any paperwork.

We are here for you

We are here for you

If you require assistance of a bank advisor, there are more than 215 branches available to you, as well as 24/7 support.

Your money is safe

Your money is safe

We verify all card payments for you, immediately notifying you of any online threats or fraud attempts. We are the most secure bank in Central and Eastern Europe.

More about Plan Start

Current account

You can always keep track of your account with the KB+ application, where you can easily open and manage your account with just a few clicks, name your account, add authorized persons, etc.

Moreover, you can share your account with your loved ones. The application allows you to set up the account sharing and assign various privileges to individual authorized persons – e.g. what they can see and do in their online banking (e.g. full control of the account or view only).

If you wish, we will transfer your account with another bank to KB, together with any and all settings.

Payment card

With Plan Start, you can get 1 debit card. You can digitize it and make payments using your mobile phone or smartwatch. 

Make cash deposits through ATMs of Komerční banka. Cash withdrawals from ATMs of KB, MONETA Money Bank, Air Bank, and UniCredit Bank are always free of charge.


Plan Start covers all incoming and outgoing domestic payments. Furthermore, you will not be charged any fees for SEPA payments either.