Reduction and deferment of loan payments

Take advantage of mortgage and consumer loan payment reduction or deferment options

Application for Loan Rescheduling

I hereby ask Komerční banka, a.s. (hereinafter the “Bank”) to change the repayments for the products listed below:

Additional loan/credit types can be added during a telephone conversation

and I provide the following details: 

I ask for 

Additional information about the applicant

Details of income 

The sum of the amount your employer sends to your account, your net income from your business, and other net income (part-time jobs, rent, social benefits, etc.).
Net income of the person with whom you share a household (spouse, partner)

Details of expenses 

Rent, utilities, energy, food, insurance, savings, child support, telephone, Internet, transport, etc.
Leasing, non-bank loans, goods on hire purchase, etc.

We will discuss the details with you via telephone. 

Final provisions

I hereby declare that: 

  • The information provided in this application is complete and true for the purpose of assessing my creditworthiness in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Credit Act and I undertake to reimburse the Bank for any and all costs and damages it may incur in the event this declaration proves to be untrue; 
  • No request to open insolvency proceedings has been brought before a court of law or is pending in respect of me or my property or any other proceedings having a similar legal effect; 
  • I am aware of my obligation to disclose during the following telephone call with the Bank any information about any enforcement order (execution) against me or my property, as well as about any judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings relating to me or my property; 
  • I am aware of my obligation to disclose during the following telephone call with the Bank any information about any tax arrears, arrears of public health insurance premiums, arrears of social security premiums, and arrears of contributions to the state employment policy; 
  • I do not have any debts to the state arising from the unauthorised receipt of sickness insurance benefits, pension benefits or social security benefits. 
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that: 

  • The Bank verifies my creditworthiness, trustworthiness and credit (payment) history through data collected from bank and non-bank credit registers, to which the Bank also discloses my details, and I am aware that such registers process my personal data, including my personal identification number (RČ), under the terms and conditions set out in their information memoranda, the current versions of which are available at any branch of the Bank, on its website and at and Further information is available in the Bank’s “Information on the Processing of Personal Data” document available at any branch of the Bank and on the Bank’s website here (Privacy Policy); 
  • The approval of this application is not an acquired right; 
  • In the event this application is approved, the Bank is required to enter the information about the change to the existing repayment schedule or the granting of a restructuring loan (as appropriate) in the credit registers, in which it participates; 
  • In the event this application is rejected, I will be informed by electronic mail (email) to the address I have indicated above in this application.

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Contact your relationship manager or call the KB Infoline at +420 800 521 521

(Mon - Fri 7:00 - 22:00, Sat - Sun 8:00 - 22:00)